Friday, December 29, 2006

America's Sweetheart is Knocked Up
Today, Julia Roberts-or, rather, her publicist-has confirmed that the Oscar-winning actress is pregnant with her 3rd child. J.Ro already has two kids, Hazel and Phinneaus, with her ridiculously unaccomplished photographer husband, Danny Moder.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Posh Spice is Gross

Ughh from to that plastic mug to the robotits, she's a disaster. But the best part is: that she probably thinks she looks great. Aren't the rich an famous amusing. Why does this woman never wear a bra? I'm sure that somewhere in her sea of disgustingly expensive designer clothes she possesses one bra. Becks, on the other hand, looks H-O-T-T, as usual. It must be hard being married to a man that freaking gorgeous. Next to him, Posh looks like a cambodian refugee.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Why, Kirsten? Why?...

What is wrong with Kirsten Dunst? There's something about that is both completely unphotogenic and ridiculously irritating about her. Hmmm, but I just can't figure it out. Maybe it's the snaggle tooth, maybe it's that tired, trying-too-hard quasi bohemian style. Whatever it is, I just can't stand her.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tara "Coke Whore" Conner lives to snort another day...
Via TMZ:
In a move that shocked everyone, including Tara Conner, Donald Trump announced Tuesday morning that he will not fire the embattled Miss USA, despite allegations of drug use and sexual misconduct. "She's agreed to go into rehab. She knows that if she makes even the slightest mistake from here on, she will be immediately replaced" said Trump.
What type of inane bullshit is this? The girl gets caught drinking underage and slutting it up all around New York and suffers absolutely no consequences, but She's going to rehab so it's okay.' Well, I say no, Tara Conner, it certainly is not okay. This rehab-salvation mentality is really beginning to piss me off. When you f**k up you don't just get to run to rehab. Tara Conner is an embarrassment, and she completely obliterated any credibility the Miss USA pageant ever had.Yes, Yes, I know, but I'm sure someone used to respect it.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Nelly F. Is a Hot Mama
This photo shoot looks kind of old, but I decided to post it because Nelly looks HOT!