Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Nicole Richie is a Fucking Klutz...

and she stole Kristin Caviallari's boyfriend.

I'm telling you the girl needs to gain weight; her legs are so feeble they can't even support her skeletal frame.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Free Britney's Dress!
First of all what in the hell is she holding and why is she holding it?

Her backfat is fighting for its freedom; those poor, poor straps.

Has anyone ever of a tailor. These problems are so effing avoidable.
WTF Happened to Joey Lawrence's Head?
Do you remember the days when Joey Lawrence was positively delicious? I mean he was freaking gorgeous! Question: WHAT HAPPENED? I just don't understand how this happens. That's it enough said. Disgusting, but because I'm a television whore I will certainly be watching this season of Dancing with the Stars.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Jesus Christ! It was worse than I ever could have imagined...
Kevin Federline is truly the new millennium's answer to Vanilla Ice, except he's slightly less talented (at both rapping and dancing). The Teen Choice awards must have really been desperate for ratings, because even "tweens"-who I personally believe to be the lowest of all lifeforms- don't deserve this drivel.

And WTF is up with the little kid dancing rappers? I hope all of the real rappers meet him in a dark alley to beat his ass up.
Jesus Christ! It was worse than I ever could have imagined...
Kevin Federline is truly the new millennium's answer to Vanilla Ice, except he's slightly less talented (at both rapping and dancing). The Teen Choice awards must have really been desperate for ratings, because even "tweens"-who I personally believe to be the lowest of all lifeforms- don't deserve this drivel.

And WTF is up with the little kid dancing rappers? I hope all of the real rappers meet him in a dark alley to beat his ass up.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm calling a Truce

I have hated Gwyneth Paltrow for a long time; maybe it's the obnoxious names of her children, maybe it's the fact that speaks with some bizarre fake foreign accent, or maybe it's because she just seems like a total bitch, But for some reason my hate has subsided; in fact, I think I might like her. (Ok, not really) but I have stopped plotting her assassination. This cover is kind of cute, however, if I hear this skinny ass talking about her supposed "weight issues" again I'm going to cut her.

Okay, I completely take back everything that I just said. What an asshole!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Who does Diddy think he is?
I have no idea, but he's really not that fucking cool. seriously.
Britney Spears Looks Like Shit

Multi-millionaires should not look like this. First of all, wtf is up with her shorts. They're disgustingly too small, and they're bunching up. Her boobs look like sandbags. She's obviously lost her mind, and her stylists.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Worst Video EVER!!!
We all knew she couldn't sing, but apparently Cassie sucks at making videos too. This is the first video she released for the heavily produced "Me and U".

Thursday, August 03, 2006

And this, people, is why we don't wear gaucho pants!

Why do I have to keep saying this? We don't wear gaucho pants because they make you look like a fat ass. I'm talking to you Kristy Swanson.
South Park sticks it to the man

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Not only does Mel Gibson hate the jews, he hates the gays too...

Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. Turns out Mel Gibson is not just a drunk asshole he's an ignorant son of a bitch. US Weekly reports:
When Spanish newspaper El Pais asked Gibson about homosexuals in 1992, he shot back: “They take it up the a—.” Then pointing at his behind, he said, “This is only for taking a s—t.” He told the reporter that he was once worried that if he became an actor, people would think he was gay.

“But with this look, who’s going to think I’m gay?” he asked. “It would be hard to take me for someone like that. Do I sound like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do I move like them?”

The scary part is, that this man has offspring, in fact he has 7 children and if they weren't sufficiently fucked up before, their fates are officially sealed. Sucks to be them.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Paris Hilton is Drunk Ho

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yep that's her mackin down with former beau Stavros Niarchos. First of all, why would you do this with cameras around, and If I were Stavros I would definitely be turned off her huge, nasty feet. Whore, Whore, Whore.
Kate Moss gives hope to coke whores around the world

According to Vanity Fair, Kate Moss is the world's most fashionable star. I've never liked Kate Moss, she's not exceptionally beautiful, and she dresses like a hobo.
Since when did doing a shitload of blow make you an even bigger star.

Here she is at Bobbie Gillespie's Wedding. Oh, and I'm not sure but the last time I checked wearing shorts to someone's wedding was incredibly inappropriate.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know the updates have been shitty lately. but i've been busy so suck it. But now I'm back so be happy.