but I'll certainly fan the flames
Via TMZ:What type of inane bullshit is this? The girl gets caught drinking underage and slutting it up all around New York and suffers absolutely no consequences, but She's going to rehab so it's okay.' Well, I say no, Tara Conner, it certainly is not okay. This rehab-salvation mentality is really beginning to piss me off. When you f**k up you don't just get to run to rehab. Tara Conner is an embarrassment, and she completely obliterated any credibility the Miss USA pageant ever had.Yes, Yes, I know, but I'm sure someone used to respect it.
In a move that shocked everyone, including Tara Conner, Donald Trump announced Tuesday morning that he will not fire the embattled Miss USA, despite allegations of drug use and sexual misconduct. "She's agreed to go into rehab. She knows that if she makes even the slightest mistake from here on, she will be immediately replaced" said Trump.
When Spanish newspaper El Pais asked Gibson about homosexuals in 1992, he shot back: “They take it up the a—.” Then pointing at his behind, he said, “This is only for taking a s—t.” He told the reporter that he was once worried that if he became an actor, people would think he was gay.
“But with this look, who’s going to think I’m gay?” he asked. “It would be hard to take me for someone like that. Do I sound like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do I move like them?”
“There's nobody in the world like me. I think every decade has an iconic blonde - like Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana - and right now, I'm that icon.”
She says, “I play dumb like Jessica Simpson plays dumb. But we know exactly what we're doing. We're smart blondes."Oh yeah, she and Jessica Simpson are the fucking Einsteins. SHUT THE FUCK UP! Seriously someone should shoot her, and aim to kill.