Goddamn Scott Storch...
For his impeccable production skills that have enabled him to make songs for Paris Hilton that are
not complete pieces of crap. Despite the fact that I openly loathe that relentless publicity whore whom we call Paris.
I absolutely cannot help but enjoy the new single
"Turn it Up". It's just soo damn catchy. Damn her! Damn her! Damn her! It's driving me insane. Whats worse is the fact that if the song were made by, literally, anyone else I would be cranking the shit out of it in my little Nissan, but because it's by that Dumbass, I have to pretend to hate it in public. But I don't. I Don't hate it. I Wish I Did, but I don't. Are you happy now Paris? YOU WON! Its official Paris 1 Kim 0.